Picture of <b>Ananya</b><br>Ālaya Yoga Teacher

Ālaya Yoga Teacher

Creating Your Conscious Intention

Yoga as a journey of self-inquiry begins with intention.

An integral part of yoga as a method of creating conscious change, starts with setting an intention. We are invited to look inside and to create a Sankalpa – ‘‘conscious intention’ or ‘heart’s desire’ – it is deeper than a statement of purpose, it is an affirmation of who we are.

Right now making a conscious intention can be very empowering as well as challenging. We might have seen different sides surface during 2020 – fears and doubts may have bubbled up. Working with a Sankalpa at this time might be of even more importance – as it encourages us to be accepting of ourselves right now , in the present moment. Sankalp is a tool meant to refine the will, and to focus and harmonize mind and body.

So this is a crucial difference between a Sankalpa and a New Year resolution. It is important that we state our Sankalpa in the present tense – it is affirming what we already are and not what we wish to be or wish to achieve.

Sankalpas foster focus, motivation, determination, patience, and perseverance.

AHAM Meditation

The Aham meditation is for awakening ourselves to our infinite possibilities and understanding our boundless potential. An intention creates focus – both an inner focus and greater self awareness and a conscious direction to move forward with.


This article and meditation has been taken from the work of Viriam Kaur an incredible and inspiring Yoga Teacher and teacher of Yoga Philosophy from United Kingdom. For more articles from Viriam and to see how you can join her online workshops visit em-bodied.org.

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