Out of the office, Into the World!

Yoga for Office Workers

So what happens to the average ‘office’ body sitting at a desk 5 days a week 8 hours a day with little movement? The spine is curved, the head is heavy and there is no integrity in the posture.

According to the Office for National Statistics (ONS) almost 31 million days of work were lost due to back, neck and muscle problems. With 2020 pushing us towards the WFH trend , and alarming increase in soreness in the upper body, and in some cases hunched shoulders, read this article till the end to care better for yourself.

As computers and devices are such a big part of our world, we need to create more body awareness and conscious ways of sitting. 

Get Moving!

Your body sculpts itself around the most common activities you do. Performing these three poses with 5 rounds of concentrated breathing results in a boosted work flow and energy.


This pose allows for proper stacking of the bodily segments and healthy extension of the spine . Tucking in the chin stacks the head properly on top of the shoulders and engages the front of the neck.


Extends the spine, opens the chest and opens the Psoas in the extended hip. The Psoas is key here as it stores stress on a core level and we know just how stressful the work place can be, so its good to clear out.


Covers the hamstrings and shifts a posteriorly tilted pelvis moving into a more anteriorly with the sits bones to the sky. Forward folds will generally release the hamstrings. Down dog will also allow lengthening of the muscle that tighten, pulling the shoulders in an inferior downward direction.

Smart sitting

Reviewing your workspace at the office or at home.

Set up desk space to support neutral posture

Do your best to find a chair that supports your back, and positions you with at least a 90-degree angle at your hips and maintain a 90-degree angle at your elbows.

Avoid neck strain when using your phone

If you use your phone often when working from home, use a headset or the speaker phone option to prevent neck strain. Avoid cradling a headset between your shoulder and head.

Take breaks often to move and stretch

Take frequent breaks to change up your posture and stretch throughout the workday. 

Let us know if this blog helped you relax your shoulders in the comments below. 

Have a peaceful day.


This article has been taken from the work of Adam Divine an incredible and inspiring Yoga Teacher and teacher of Yoga Anatomy from United Kingdom. For more articles from Adam and to see how you can join his online workshops visit em-bodied.org.

Do you think you can sit still with yourself?

You are Divine. Chanel your cosmic force of consciousness with this guided meditation to re align a cluttered mind.

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