Picture of <b>Nikita</b><br>Ālaya Yoga Teacher

Ālaya Yoga Teacher

Yoga for Weight Loss

How Yoga Can Help You Lose Weight?

Reaching and maintaining a healthy weight in today’s society of stress can be a difficult task. It requires several conscious life changes, as well as the testing of different but intertwined skill sets in five major areas: lifestyle, nutrition, exercise, psychology, and spirituality.

Practising Yoga promotes in development of these five areas, allows you to transform into a better version of yourself.

Yoga, particularly the physical type of routine, is a helpful strategy for weight loss. You may also discover that the awareness obtained by a gentle, soothing yoga flow aids with weight loss.

Yoga helps in the toning of muscles and the improvement of your metabolism.

The experts believe that yoga helps people lose weight in a variety of ways. Let’s have a look at some of them.

Developing Mindfulness with Yoga

The mental and spiritual aspects of Yoga emphasize developing awareness. This can raise your consciousness on several levels.

Mindfulness is based on a basic principle: one must be completely present at the moment, concentrating attention on external stimuli and their impact on the body and mind while simultaneously acknowledging and dismissing irrelevant thoughts.

According to a study published in 2016, people who practice yoga and cultivate mindfulness may be better at resisting unhealthy or junk foods. They may also grow more attuned to their bodies, allowing them to recognize when they are full, preventing from over-eating. 

Here’s how to tune into mindful postures in your day-to-day routine:

Yoga for fitness

Vajrasana Pose (Hero’s Pose)

  1. Begin by kneeling on the ground.
  2. Bring your knees and ankles together and align your feet with your legs. Your feet’ bottoms should be facing up, with your big toes touching.
  3. As you sit back on your legs, exhale. Your buttocks will be supported by your heels, and your thighs will be supported by your calves.
  4. Place your hands on your thighs and gently move your pelvis back and forth until you’re comfortable.
  5. Slowly inhale and exhale while straightening your spine and sitting up straight. Pull your body forward with your head and press your tailbone against the floor.
  6. Straighten your neck and look forward, keeping your chin parallel to the floor. Place your palms down on your thighs, arms relaxed.


Benefits of Vajrasana

  1. Improves digestion and blood circulation
  2. Helps in weight loss

Tadasana (Mountain Pose)

  1. Hold the feet parallel and a few inches apart. 
  2. Lift and spread the toes and balls of your feet, then gently place them back down on the floor. Rock back and forth and side to side softly. Slowly bring your swaying to a halt, with your weight equally distributed across your feet. Feel the energy flow up through your core from your feet.
  3. Lift the top of your sternum straight toward the ceiling without forcing your lower front ribs forward. Expand your collarbones. Allow your shoulder blades to pull together and down your back, away from your ears.
  4. Allow your arms to hang loose beside your torso, palms facing in or forward.
  5. Balance your head precisely over the centre of your pelvis, with your chin parallel to the floor.


Benefits of Tadasana

  1. Strengthens your nerves
  2. Relieves back pain
  3. Tones core muscles


Improving Sleep with Yoga

Irregular sleeping pattern is directly associated with weight gain. Sleep deprivation or excess have profound consequences on your body.

Yoga can assist you in improving the quality of your sleep. When you are a regular yoga practitioner, you may discover that falling asleep is easier and that you sleep deeper.

Yoga has numerous health and sleep benefits for everyone, from children to the elderly.

A 2015 study suggests yoga has been demonstrated to assist people of all ages and enhance their sleep. 

Here’s the practice that will help you to improve your sleeping pattern:

Yog Nidra

  1. Lie flat on your back in Corpse Pose (Shavasana). Relax by closing your eyes. Take a few deep breaths, in and out. Remember to take calm, deep breaths.
  2. Begin by focusing your attention on your right foot. Maintain your focus there for a few seconds while relaxing your foot. Then, gradually shift your focus to the right knee, thigh, and hip. Recognize your whole right leg.
  3. Repeat the technique for the left leg gently.
  4. Pay close attention to the genital regions, stomach, navel region, and chest.
  5. Take a big breath in while paying attention to your body’s sensations. Relax for a few minutes in this condition.
  6. Turn to your right side and lie down for a few more minutes, gradually becoming aware of your body and surroundings. Rolling to the right causes the air to flow via the left nostril, which helps to cool the body.
  7. Taking your time, you can then slowly sit up and, when you’re ready, slowly open your eyes.

Suryanamaskara (Sun Salutation)

  1. Exhale to a forward bend.
  2. Return to plank stance by jumping, stepping, or walking your feet.
  3. Lower your body to the floor by bending your knees.
  4. Extend your legs, position your hands under your shoulders, and turn the tops of your feet to the mat to upward facing dog.
  5. Exhale to return to Downward Facing Dog, hips turning upwards, hold for 5 breaths.
  6. Maintain this position for at least five breaths.
  7. Exhale as you leap, step, or stroll your feet to the top of the mat and come to a full stop in a Forward Bend.
  8. Then exhale and raise your arms aloft.
  9. Exhale to bring your arms back down to your sides. Repeat Sun Salutation practice 5 times. 


Benefits of Suryanamaskara

  1. Strengthens muscles and joints 
  2. Improves balance in the nervous system
  3. Improves digestion and reduces constipation

Navasana (Boat Pose)

  1. Sit on the floor with your legs out in front of you.
  2. Bend your knees and elevate your feet off the floor so that your thighs form an angle with the floor and your shins are parallel.
  3. Extend your arms out in front of you, parallel to the floor.
  4. Straighten your legs while keeping your body elevated if possible.
  5. Maintain this position for 30 seconds.
  6. Repeat least five times more.

In Conclusion

Make steady improvements and establish modest goals to increase your chances of success. Successful weight management requires lifestyle changes for long-term effects. As your practice and awareness grow, you may find yourself naturally drawn to healthy foods and methods of life.

If you want to employ yoga to lose weight, you must make a commitment to yourself and your practice. 


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